• The start and finish is Yatton Keynell Village Hall
  • Start any time between 6am and 2pm, depending on intended number of laps.
  • Please ‘sign on’ before you leave, so we know you’re on the road.

What kind of event is this?

The Wrong Way Round Bike Ride is a low-key no-frills village-based family-friendly event. We’re not organising the Tour de France or London Marathon here. Please don’t expect flags and banners all along the route. To further keep things simple, all communications from us to you will be by email.

What’s the inspiration?

The milestone in the centre of the village that says “97 miles to Hyde Park Corner”.

What are the ride options?

For 2016 there are two route options:

  • The classic route from Hyde Park Corner back to Yatton Keynell. This is an option for keen or ambitious cyclists, as you take on the challenge of 97 miles, the distance made famous by our iconic village milestone.
  • The 19-mile circuit based on Yatton Keynell. This is an option for everyone – beginners, experts, solo riders, families and groups of friends. You can do one lap, two laps, or more. Whatever takes your fancy or inspires your enthusiasm.

For information on the Classic Route, please see the separate Fact Sheet.

For information on the 19-mile lap based on Yatton Keynell, read on….

What’s the route?

In brief it’s this: Yatton Keynell, Fowlswick Lane, Kington St Michael, Stanton Lane, Stanton St Quintin, Hullavington, Norton, lanes south of Sherston and east of Alderton, Grittleton, over the M4, back to Yatton Keynell. For full details see the Yatton Keynell Laps route notes.

How many laps does everyone do?

You can do one lap, two laps, or more. Whatever takes your fancy or inspires your enthusiasm.

You can complete five laps to achieve the iconic 97-mile distance, and a special prize.

(Yes, we know, 5 x 19 = 95, but it’s close enough. Sticklers can do an extra two miles at the end if they want.)

How long will it take?

It depends how many laps you want to do. Based on your own fitness, and how fast you want to go, a lap will take between 1 and 2 hours. As long as you finish by 4pm, you can start when you like. Some suggested start times are at the end of this Fact Sheet.

When does it finish?

All riders must be finished by 4pm. After that time there will be no facilities. In short, we’ll have packed up and gone home.

Where is the start & finish?

The start & finish line is Yatton Keynell Village Hall.

What happens at the start & finish?

There will be a bar, hot and cold food, snacks, ice ream, music, bike repair service, a few stalls and activities for children. Kids can also use the recreation field and play-park nearby. There will even be some bunting to get you in a festive mood for the Yatton Keynell village fete the following weekend.

Friends, families, supporters and spectators are invited to join the festival atmosphere to cheer on the riders, and shower them with praise as they complete each lap and set off for another.

Who can take part?

The ride is open to anyone, but intended as a community event, so we’re especially keen to welcome riders from Yatton Keynell and the surrounding villages, as well as anyone with a connection to the area. In previous years we’ve welcomed friend and relatives of Yatton Keynell residents from as far as Yorkshire and Sussex.

Is there an upper or lower age limit?

No. The ride is open to everyone. All participants under the age of 13 must be accompanied at all times on the route by a parent/guardian. All participants under the age of 18 must submit the consent form completed by their parent/guardian.

Is the ride open to any type of bike?

Yes. In the past we’ve had participants riding everything from fancy road bikes to ‘old clunkers’, and everything in between.

What is the ride raising money for?

You can use the ride to raise money for your own favourite charity. In the past, riders have raised money for a wide range of good causes from national campaigns like Pancreatic Cancer Care to local charities such as West Kington Church. Larger charities will provide sponsor forms for supporters. Or you can make one yourself.

Do riders have to raise money?

Sponsorship is totally optional. If you don’t want to raise money, you don’t have to. Everyone is very welcome to join the ride for the challenge, the fun, the company and a great day out.

What kind of support and back-up is there?

As this is a low-key event, we simply don’t have the resources to provide support vehicles and other back-up. All riders will be responsible for getting themselves to finish. We suggest everyone carries a mobile phone, ready to call friends of family with cars to come to the rescue if the need arises.

How do I enter?

Please enter on-line here. Before you enter, please read all parts of this Fact Sheet. Please also read the Terms & Conditions. By entering this event you agree to be bound by the Terms & Conditions.

If you cannot enter online, please contact us at here to arrange alternative methods.

When do I need to enter?

Please complete your entry as early as possible. For insurance reasons may have to limit the number of participants. If there’s still space, we will allow people to register and take part on the day, but this cannot be guaranteed.

What happens next?

Once we’ve received your entry form, we’ll send you an acknowledgement by email.

What about preparing my bike?

Please ensure your bike is fully prepared for the ride. Ideally you need to have the basic knowledge to fix minor mechanical problems and punctures – or ride with someone who does!

As mentioned above, we do not have the resources to provide a back-up van to repair or carry broken bikes. We strongly suggest you have your bike serviced at a reputable bike shop a week or two before staring the ride.

Will the event go ahead, whatever the weather?

Yes. Let’s all hope for a sunny day, but if it’s raining the event will still go ahead. We advise you to carry a suitable waterproof cycling jacket, just in case.

Anything else to watch out for?

Roads may be quiet on Sunday morning, but can be busier on Sunday afternoon. You should be aware of cars, lorries and other road users. You should obey the rules of the road, and follow the Highway Code, at all times.

What are the formalities?

There will be a small team of officials at the start from 6am to record your start time. Please do not start without officially checking in and signing the Event Participant List, so we know you’re on the road. Please also check in with us as you complete every lap.

Will there be any information on the day?

Yes. On the day, before you set off, we will give you a short briefing covering aspects such as road conditions. Please listen carefully this before you start.

Is the ride covered by insurance?

The organisers and officials of the Wrong Way Round Bike Ride are covered by Organisers’ Public Liability Insurance, arranged via CTC the national cycling charity. Participants are advised to arrange their own third party insurance, by joining a cycling organisation such as CTC: www.ctc.org.uk

(This website also provides lots of general advice about bikes and cycling.)

Any more legal aspects?

Because we’re using CTC’s insurance, we’re using their entry form, which includes a liability statement at the foot of the entry form. We’re also using their Terms & Conditions. By entering this event you are agreeing to abide by these Terms & Conditions. Sorry about this legal aspect, but we need to do things properly.

Can I test-ride the route in advance?

Absolutely. Between now and the event, feel free to ride the 19-mile lap as many times as you like, as part of your training, or just for fun.

How can I connect with other local Wrong Way Round riders?

To hook up with other WWR cyclists, join the WWR Facebook page at


What if I still have questions?

Please drop us a line at info@wrong-way-round.co.uk